October will bring fall weather patterns along the Treasure Coast. Temperatures will begin to cool down somewhat offering much more comfortable days after this summer’s sizzling heat.
Cooler water temperatures will make snapper and other tasty bottom fish school up. This is when fishing heats up and is a perfect time for new anglers to catch decent amounts of quality fish to enjoy for dinner! Fish will school up between 50 and 90 feet of water so it doesn’t take heavy tackle to catch them.
You can fish a two-hook dropper, also known as a “chicken rig.” Bait hooks with small strips of fresh cut bait. I like using grunt strips because they stay on the hook very well and are a preferred bait.
You’ll be targeting Layne, Vermilion, Mangroves and Mutton snapper as well as porgies and trigger fish. You’ll also have a good shot at groupers until the season closes at the end of the 2023. Grouper will be found in the deeper reef areas and around wrecks in 120 to 220 feet of water.
As the water cools even more, king mackerel, cobra, and mahi can be caught on live or dead top water bait around reefs and floating debris.
Snook harvest reopened in September and will close December 15. Slot size is 28-32 inches with a one fish bag limit and requires a snook stamp. Grouper harvest will close January 1. Cobia bag and size limits have changed for state waters. Bag limit is two fish and 36 inch fork length.
The Miss Fort Pierce will continue to sail daily. Check our website www.fortpiercefishing.com for our schedule and to make reservations. The boat is now fully air conditioned and is never overcrowded. To book your reservations, visit us at www.fortpiercefishing.com or
call us at (772) 766-0191.
Whatever your fishy targets are, have fun and tight lines!
-Capt. Scotty Gold