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Giving thanks for Florida’s one-of-a-kind Osceola Wild Turkey

Did you know there are five subspecies of wild turkey in North America? However, Florida is the only place in the world where the Osceola subspecies is found. Also known as the Florida wild turkey, this unique bird lives only on the Florida peninsula. It's similar to the eastern subspecies, which is found in north Florida, but tends to be smaller and darker with less white barring on the wings.

Many people don’t know that wild turkeys are powerful fliers. They can fly as fast as 55 miles per hour for short distances. However, to conserve energy, turkeys spend most of their time on the ground, where they search for acorns, seeds, fruits, leaves, insects, small reptiles, frogs, snails and more. They are woodland birds, preferring open forests and where forests and fields meet.

Wild turkeys are social animals and typically flock together in groups. These wary birds have excellent eyesight and will run away or fly to a tree to escape danger. At night, they roost in trees to avoid ground predators.

“Wild turkeys are an amazing conservation success story in Florida and across North America,” said Brian Yablonski, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Chairman. “They had almost disappeared by the turn of the century, with populations remaining in remote pockets of habitat. However, thanks to science-based wildlife restoration efforts, today Osceola and eastern wild turkeys are thriving throughout the state.”

Because the Osceola subspecies is only found in Florida, the Sunshine State is a must-hunt destination for hunters pursuing their Grand Slam. The National Wild Turkey Federation, which recognizes grand slam accomplishments, works with the FWC’s wildlife professionals to support habitat improvement projects and the use of scientific data to conserve wild turkey populations and provide sustainable hunting opportunities. Wild turkey meat, which is leaner than store-bought birds, provides a delicious and clean-eating alternative for the Thanksgiving feast.

From the FWC family to yours, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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