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It's Sea Turtle Nesting Season (March 1 – Oct. 31)

Sea turtle nesting season is here! Our beaches along the Treasure Coast are some of the nation's most significant nesting grounds for endangered and threatened sea turtle populations, including Loggerhead, Green and Leatherback turtles.

During sea turtle nesting season (March 1 – Oct. 31), it is important to keep your distance from these protected marine reptiles and their nests. Here are some tips to help sea turtles during nesting season:

  • Don’t disturb nests.

  • Turn off artificial lighting near beaches at night, whether from buildings, phones or cameras.

  • Properly dispose of food items to decrease predation from wildlife.

  • Properly dispose of debris like fishing line, netting and plastics.

  • Keep obstacles that block nesting and hatchling turtles such as beach furniture, toys, and boats off the beach.

  • Don’t leave large holes on the beach, which could entrap sea turtles or unearth nests

  • Participate in beach cleanup events.

  • Give nesting adults and their hatchlings space and take care not to disturb them.

Allow hatchlings to crawl toward the ocean on their own. Any interference or disturbance, including getting too close, can cause hatchlings to become confused and lose their way. 

“Interfering with a sea turtle hatchling’s trek to the ocean can have fatal consequences,” said FWC sea turtle biologist Robbin Trindell. “It’s very important to leave them undisturbed. By keeping beaches dark and giving sea turtles space, we can make sure that our children and grandchildren can also enjoy watching them make this amazing journey.”

Remember, sea turtles are protected by law – Stay back and give sea turtles space if you see one on the beach at night. Don’t touch a nesting turtle because it may leave the beach without nesting if disturbed. Remember, it is illegal to harm or disturb nesting sea turtles, their nests, eggs or hatchlings.

Before taking any action, report sea turtles that are sick, injured, dead, entangled or otherwise in danger to the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline: 1-888-404-3922 or text

Learn more about Florida’s sea turtles at

Show your support for sea turtle conservation with a specialty license plate or sea turtle decal

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